Degrowth Conference: submission deadline extended

Good news from the 8th International Degrowth Conference for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity "Caring Communities for Radical Change". The deadline for contributions has been extended until April, 6th.
The conference will take place from 24th to 28th of August 2021 in the Hague. With our overall theme, Caring Communities for Radical Change, we highlight that care – through solidarity and justice – is central to degrowth as a collective project promoting sustainable, decolonial, feminist and post-capitalist modes of flourishing.
You can find the Call for Participation in English, Dutch and French here. It is an invitation to co-create caring communities by building bridges between social movements, art, research and other practices.
The conference has eight key thematic streams: Dutch social movements, Decoloniality, Feminist political ecology, Green new deals, Urban and agrarian dialogs, Cultural politics, Embodying degrowth for a healing transformation, Anarchism and degrowth. You can find a short video overview of some of the streams here.
Looking forward to your contributions!