Ontgroei at INvirolution festival 2020

Ontgroie participated in the online INvirolution festival 2020 on the 20th of June. For over 10 years the festival has held inspirational discussions, concerts and workshops around sustainability, radical freedom and community empowerment. The 2020 edition provided a platform to share ideas, art, knowledge and culture regarding how we would like planet to look like in a changing post-COVID world.

We were glad to present a short and accessible introduction to degrowth. In our talk we gave an overview of the notion of economic growth and why the imperative of growth is not compatible with ecological and human wellbeing. We also talked about the history and main pillars of degrowth and provided examples from the global North and South.

You can watch a recording of the talk here:

Ontgroei speakers at the festival:

Olga Koretskaya is a PhD researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Her current research focuses on making practices in contemporary urban economies and their potential to facilitate sustainability transformation beyond capitalism.

Martin Calisto Friant is a PhD Candidate at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. His current research focuses on circular economy, sustainability, degrowth, and deliberative democracy.