Event Second Utrecht Degrowth Symposium: From Circular Economy to Circular Society The second Utrecht Degrowth Symposium: From Circular Economy to Circular Society will be held at Utrecht University on Friday, May 15. During the event we will discuss what a circular society can look
News Call for papers for the Session “Degrowth, rurality and agri-food systems” 7th International Degrowth Conference is taking place in Manchester (UK), September 1st-5th 2020. We would like to announce a call for academic papers for a special session that would focus on the themes
Science for everyone Degrowth and the Unmaking of Capitalism Liberating our minds from the imperative of endless economic growth and profit maximization is one of the key inspirational ideas of degrowth. Scholars and activists call this liberation ‘decolonization of the imaginary’. Degrowth
Filmscreening: 'The Commons, Reclaiming What Is Ours' ontgroei is organizing a film screening of the movie 'The Commons, Reclaiming What is Ours' at the ACU in Utrecht. Before the movie there will be a short talk about the basics ideas of degrowth. After the movie, there will be a small discussion on how the movie links to degrowth.
News Podcast over post-groei Jonas Van der Slycken, waarvan we eerder al een reeks artikelen publiceerden heeft recent samen met professor Brent Bleys meegwerkt aan een podcast over post-groei.
Opinions A German introduction to Degrowth This summer, Matthias Schmelzer and Andrea Vetter, both from the Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie in Leipzig, published the book ‘Degrowth/Postwachstum’. With this book, they provide the first introduction to degrowth in German. Gerrit Stegehuis wrote a summary.
News Dutch summary of the book "degrowth" In 2016, Jan van Arkel published the Dutch translation of the book "Degrowth: A vocabulary for a new era", or: "Ontgroei: een vocabulaire voor in een nieuw tijdperk". According to the publisher: the
News Nederlandstalige samenvatting van het boek ontgroei In 2016 publiceerde Jan van Arkel de Nederlandse vertaling van het boek "Degrowth: A vocabulary for a new era", of: "Ontgroei: een vocabulaire voor in een nieuw tijdperk". Het boek strekt zich uit
Opinions Nederlandstalige inleiding tot degrowth Pak een een kop thee en ga er eens goed voor zitten want Jonas van der Slycken, doctoraatstudent aan de Universiteit Gent, stuurde ons onlangs een aantal Nederlandstalige degrowth artikelen..
Event Lezing: ontgroeien naar een mooiere wereld, een uitnodiging! Woensdag 2 oktober a.s. is er een lezing over 'ontgroei'. Het thema biedt aanknopingspunten voor een sociale, duurzame maatschappij. De LETS Ruilkring Gemert-Bakel e.o. biedt deze avond aan als onderdeel van
Opinions The urban drivers of economic growth In the 1980s, cities were defined as the ‘growth machines’ of the economy. Today, urban economists epitomize them as economic ‘triumphs’. What is the relation between cities and economic growth and what do cities mean for degrowth?
News Policies for degrowth Degrowth initiatives are appearing all over the world, offering locally based and community-led alternatives to dominant forms of provisioning, ranging from urban gardens, co-housing, alternative food networks and decentralized forms of renewable energy
News Ontgroei / Degrowth meet up in Amsterdam! What the heck is degrowth?! Degrowth is the voluntary downscaling of production and consumption to increase human well-being and enhance ecological conditions and equity on the planet. Whether you've read this definition a
News What to grow in society and our personal lives? During the first Utrecht Degrowth Symposium we had a 1 hour long “interactive” break, where next to socializing and getting refreshments, people were invited to share their thoughts on what constitutes a good
News Overview of the first Utrecht Degrowth Symposium The concept of degrowth is now widely researched and practiced across Europe, but so far remained largely unexplored in the Netherlands. The first Utrecht Degrowth Symposium was organized to change this and to
Science for everyone Capitalism inevitably leads to crises: alternative economic model explains how This article is the first in a series called "Science for Everyone". The academic literature does not always reach wider audiences. The format and language can be inadequate, and the paywalls can significantly
News Degrowth course at the University of Amsterdam. Registration is open! How is economic growth entwined with the social, environmental and financial turmoil of the past few decades? How can we have a stable and prosperous economy that does not grow—let alone one
Een hoopvol perspectief op ontgroeien Willem Hoogendijk schreef een reactie op het artikel van Egbert Kalse in het NRC, ‘afzien van economische groei, kunnen we dat wel? Hij is van mening dat de toon een stuk hoopvoller mag, want er valt behoorlijk wat te verliezen door ongebreidelde groei en een wereld te winnen door elk beetje krimp..
Opinions Creating economies together: let’s discuss, experiment, innovate! There is mainstream economic thinking and there is wrong economic thinking. It has been like that for many decades. We almost forgot it could be otherwise. The unquestionable authority of the ‘right’ economic
News Global Degrowth Day Utrecht/Amsterdam To celebrate the Global Degrowth Day, we are going from Utrecht to Amsterdam to the Food Autonomy Festival. We will officially gather for lunch on Saturday to discuss about degrowth, if you are
Opinions Degrowth and Extinction Rebellion: A Dialogue In the Netherlands, the young generation sees hope in Extinction Rebellion due to its ability to reach those in power. ISS students suggest a dialogue between degrowth and XR: these movements are complementary and can strengthen each other.
News Registration for the Utrecht Degrowth Symposium is open! Start date and time: 28 June 2019, 13:00 End date and time: 28 June 2019, 18:00 Location: Utrecht University, Educatorium: Theatron, Leuvenlaan 19, Utrecht Registration: Please register here What will be
News First Utrecht Degrowth Symposium: why now? Degrowth is a social movement and scientific concept that envisions pathways to a sustainable future. These pathways include a democratic and redistributive downscaling of the material size of the global economy, a measure
News Save the Date: Utrecht Degrowth Symposium We are pleased to announce that the first Utrecht Degrowth Symposium will be held at Utrecht University on Friday, June 28 between 13.00 and 18.00. At the Symposium we invite academia
Opinions Good infinity Cycles of growth and decline in ecology were famously revealed in so-called predator-prey relationships. As foxes eat chickens, chicken reproduction drops, which leaves fewer chickens for foxes to eat. Consequently, the fox population